4 Exciting Reasons to Attend MYCON

MYCON is on March 26 in Orlando, Florida. The one-day event is at Avanti Palms Resort and Conference Center. Convention hours are 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. There are four exciting reasons to attend MYCON 2022.

Exciting Reason #1: Professional Photography

MYCON offers an on-site professional photographer to capture your cosplay at its best or simply preserve precious convention memories.

Eric Paul-Louis Webster at MYCON

Eric is a local cosplay photographer. He’s available to take photos at MYCON for all convention attendees. However, there is priority for con-goers with reservations, which you can request here. Featured below are some examples of his past work.

Exciting Reason #2: Cosplay Contests

There are three separate cosplay contests at MYCON sorted by age.

Kids – 12 and Under

There will be an announcement for the first-place winner in this category, but at MYCON, all kids are winners.

Teens – 13 to 17

There are two exciting prizes for the teen category! First place will receive tickets to WasabiCon, a gift card, and a pop culture bag of fun. The most creative costume will receive a gift card and a pop culture bag of fun.

Adults – 18+

Similarly, the same two exciting prizes will be available for the adult category! First place will receive tickets to WasabiCon, a gift card, and a pop culture bag of fun. The most creative costume will receive a gift card and a pop culture bag of fun.


Exciting Reason #3: Game Room

Video games and board games will be available when you attend MYCON. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own switch controllers for the pop-up Super Smash Brothers tournament.


Exciting Reason #4: Art Contest

MYCON is hosting a unicorn-themed art contest. If you are attending MYCON and would like to participate, you can submit artwork here. Winners will be announced at the convention. There will be three winners selected: child (6-12), teen (13-17), and adult (18+).


Need help finding comic cons in Florida?

Florida Comic Cons provides the Con Calendar — a curated calendar of upcoming comic, anime, horror, science fiction, fantasy and pop culture conventions in The Sunshine State. And event listings include con info as well as helpful links for things like buying tickets and registering as a vendor.


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