Disney Animator, Peter Raymundo, to Appear at St. Pete Comic Con 2023

Author and artist, Peter Raymundo, will be appearing at St. Pete Comic Con 2023 on January 7–8 at the Coliseum. He is known for his work on Disney animated movies, as well as being the author and illustrator of a variety of children’s books.

Raymundo began his career as a Disney animator in 1996. He carried the passion for storytelling with him as he ventured into writing and directing short films, and eventually conceptualizing and creating children’s picture books.

Disney Animation

Starting his career with Disney Animation working on Mulan, Peter Raymundo specifically helped bring Ling and Chien Po to life within the film. Afterward, he was invited to work on many Disney animated films including The Emperor’s New Groove, The Princess and the Frog, Lilo & Stitch, and Tarzan.


Third Grade Mermaid

Third Grade Mermaid is a children’s book about a mermaid with a big personality who is kicked off the swimming team. Can she work hard to win back her place? Find out in Raymundo’s fintastic tail!

The Mysterious Sea Bunny

The Mysterious Sea Bunny introduces children to the strange world of sea slugs and all of their quirky mannerisms. Peter Raymundo is behind several other amazing children’s stories in addition to The Mysterious Sea Bunny including I Am Not a Fish and The Monkey Goes Bananas.

Interested in His Art?

Raymundo has his own website where he posts his work including paintings, portraits, and more. On his website, he has options on how to schedule him for a school visit, but in the meantime, you can find him at St. Pete Comic Con 2023. 

Raymundo’s Appearance at St. Pere Comic Con 2023

Peter Raymundo will be at St. Pete Comic Con on January 7-8, 2023, at the historic Coliseum located in downtown St. Petersburg. St. Pete Comic Con 2023 is a two-day, multi-genre comic convention in St. Petersburg that features comics, anime, science fiction and fantasy talent, along with a guest roster of Florida’s top cosplayers. Tickets and a count down calendar can be found here.

St. Pete Comic Con logo 

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