7 fantastic reasons to attend Suncoast Comic Con 2022

Suncoast Comic Con 2022 is a comic convention in Bradenton, Florida on April 23-24. The two-day event is at the Bradenton Area Convention Center in Palmetto, Florida. Convention hours are  Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Fantastic Reason #1: Comic artist Greg Horn

Greg Horn is a well-known comic artist known for his digital paintings and cover art for Marvel Comics. His cover art can be found in Ms. Marvel comics and the Shadow Hunter comics.



Fantastic Reason #2: Comic artist Mike Debalfo

Mike Debalfo is a comic artist known for cover art and pencil art. Some of his recent cover art is seen on the Firebitch comics and as an exclusive cover on Prymal: Jungle Warrior #7.

Mike DeBalfo • Planet Comicon Kansas City



Fantastic Reason #3: Amazing Voice Actors

There are two voice actors attending Suncoast Comic Con 2022: Lisa Ortiz, and Ry McKeand.

Lisa Ortiz

Lisa Ortiz is a voice actor known for voicing in English anime adaptations, including Lina Inverse in Slayers and Amy Rose in Sonic X. She has also voiced characters in Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokémon video games. 


Ry McKeand

Ry Mckeaned is a voice actor some of his notable roles include Ina in Black Clover, Shuichi in Gleipnir, Rito in To LOVE-Ru, and Udo in Attack on Titan.


Fantastic Reason #4: More talented comic artists

Sergio Cariello

Sergio Cariello is a comic artist who has worked with both Marvel and DC Comics. Some of his work can be seen on the covers of  Batman, Catwoman, and Captain America comics.  Additionally, he illustrated a comic adaptation of the bible called The Action Bible.


Jose Varese

Jose Varese is an illustrator and comic artist. He created the cover art for the SHE-CRET WARS and Santera Comics.


Fantastic Reason #5: Cool Cosplay groups

There are four cosplay groups attending Suncoast Comic Con 2022 including (in alpha order): Cosplay Belly Dancers, Ghost Busters, Gotham Underground, and The 501st Legion. Here are two featured cosplay groups:

501st Legion

The 501st Legion is an organization dedicated to the construction and wearing of screen-accurate replicas of Imperial Stormtrooper armor, Sith Lords, Clone Troopers, bounty hunters, and other Star Wars villains.

501st Legion

The Gotham Underground

The Gotham Underground is a cosplay group known for DC and Marvel cosplays, especially characters from Batman.


Fantastic Reason #6: Contests

Cosplay Contests

By attending Suncoast Comic Con 2022 you have a chance to participate in a cosplay contest! Contests will be held on both convention days at 3 pm. Registration and more information will be available inside the convention.

Gaming Tournaments

Dark Side Comics will be setting up at Suncoast Comic-con 2022. They will be hosting tabletop gaming tournaments. Visit their booth during convention hours for more details!

Dark Side Comics Gaming


Fantastic Reason #7: “Putting comics back in comic-con”

Suncoast Comic-con aims to put comics back into comic con by bringing in more comic vendors and artists than ever! Check out this video tour of the 2021 show:


Need help finding comic cons in Florida?

Florida Comic Cons provides the Con Calendar — a curated calendar of upcoming comic, anime, horror, science fiction, fantasy and pop culture conventions in The Sunshine State. And event listings include con info as well as helpful links for things like buying tickets and registering as a vendor.

The Con Calendar by Florida Comic Cons

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