Submit a Con

Submit a Con

If you know of a convention that isn’t listed on the Florida Comic Cons Con Calendar, please fill out the form below to submit an event.

Florida Comic Cons curates the Con Calendar to provide fans with a schedule of the best comic, anime, sci-fi, horror, pop culture, and cosplay conventions in The Sunshine State. Conventions must be appropriate for all ages and welcoming to all audiences. However, our current calendar does not list wrestling or toy cons, which may be added in the future.

In addition, if you are interested in promoting your convention beyond the Con Calendar, Florida Comic Cons offers affordable advertising that reaches fans across the state.

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Spring Brings Horror to central Florida

The abundance of horror conventions in central Florida during the spring showcases the region’s vibrant horror community and underscores its status as a premier destination for fans of the macabre

Resident Evil 101

The Resident Evil franchise stands as a multifaceted horror juggernaut, seamlessly intertwining games, movies, and various forms of media to create a sprawling and immersive narrative.  Originating in 1996 as