Parasyte 101

Parasyte is a science-fiction horror anime series based on the manga with the same title written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki. The anime premiered on October 2014, and it was produced by Madhouse Studios. The series has gained popularity with its intense storyline, unique concept, and dynamic character development. It explores ideas like the true nature of humanity and the morality of killing, while also delivering sufficient action and gore for the horror genre’s fans.


The plot

The story revolves around high school student Shinichi Izumi who lives in peace with his family and his best friend Satomi, until one day, an alien parasite enters his body and takes control of his right hand. Later, he names this parasite Migi, and they develop a symbiotic relationship. Together, they discover a secret invasion of parasites that are taking over human bodies by entering and devouring the brain, making them act out their host’s worst impulses.

As Shinichi and Migi encounter other parasites, they begin to unravel a larger conspiracy by these extraterrestrials to take over the planet. The two protagonists work together to stop the invasion and save humanity, and as the story progresses, they encounter various challenges and dangers.


Why it’s anime horror

Parasyte is generally considered a horror anime due to its graphic violence, disturbing imagery, and supernatural horror themes. And the feeding on human flesh also adds to its viability as anime horror. In addition, the show explores themes of identity, loss, and the fear of the unknown, making it a thrilling and unsettling experience for viewers.


Sunshine City Scare to feature Shinichi Izumi, Parasyte main character

Shinichi Izumi will be at Sunshine City Scare, a new breed of horror con that features anime horror, including Parasyte. The event — on May 13-14 at the Coliseum and surrounding area in downtown St. Petersburg — features anime horror and video game horror as well as horror in movies and a very special guest. Celebrity guests include voice actors and live-action actors who have voiced, portrayed, or created wonderful horror characters in the various horror subgenres.


In addition, the horror con will offer various contests, including two cosplay contests (one each day), a lip sync competition, a Tiktok Film Festival, and a fan art contest. Applications for contests are available.



Event tickets are $25 for a single day, and $40 for a weekend pass (prices increase $5 at door).


Need help finding cons in Florida?

Florida Comic Cons has the Con Calendar, a curated calendar of comic, anime, horror, and other pop-culture conventions to keep you, the fandom, informed and apprised (you’re welcome). Quit wasting time with internet searches that take too long and still leave you asking questions.  The Con Calendar’s event listings include all the con info like ticket prices and links, vendor registration, and lots more!


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