Weekend at Megacon Orlando 2021 was mega-fun

Marvel's Vision character bomb

Megacon Orlando came roaring back on August 12-15, 2021. Florida Comic Cons caught up with a seasoned con expert who attends conventions in central Florida to get the details. He told us the weekend at Megacon Orlando 2021 was “mega-fun.”

The con-vibe is strong at Megacon Orlando 2021

The con-vibe is strong at Megacon Orlando 2021, according to Leo Nocedo, professional photographer and contributor at Florida Geek Scene who shared his convention photos with Florida Comic Cons for this blog. “Megacon was mega-fun like it has always been, even with the restrictions,” he said, adding “the con-vibe was a positive, forward-moving force,”

@dark.lady.cosplay at Megacon Orlando 2021    cosplay portray a Deadpool doll


cosplayers at Megacon Orlando 2021

Megacon Orlando 2021 draws large crowds

Nocedo reports the crowds were very large, except for Thursday. “On Saturday, the vendor’s room was packed like sardines,” he said. And, he believes the crowds may be larger than the upcoming DragonCon 2021 on September 2-6 in Atlanta, Georgia, which is known nationally for its attendance. “I feel this crowd may surpass DragonCon,” he said.

group photo at Megacon Orlando 2021


In addition, Nocedo said many attendees were not only from outside of Florida but also from outside the U.S. “The crowd was very international,” he said. “I met up with people I haven’t seen in more than a couple of years since the pandemic shutdown cons.” Nocedo estimated approximately one-third of attendees were cosplaying. 

Character-bombs at Megacon Orlando 2021

Florida Comic Cons creates what we call a “character-bomb,” which is when the character meets the cosplayer at a comic convention. Here’s our character-bombs for Megacon Orlando 2021.

Aquaman character bomb    Marvel's Vision character bomb

Mandalorian character bomb    Chewbacca character bomb

Megacon Orlando 2021 photo sliders

Enjoy scrolling through two sets of cosplayer photos from Megacon Orlando 2021.

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[smartslider3 slider=”18″]


Convention centers are great venues for cosplayer photos

Orange County Convention Center in Orlando is the venue for the annual Megacon event. And convention centers provide professional photographers with setting options for cosplayers that are not available at hotels. (as shown below). Thanks again to Nocedo Photography for photos.

cosplayers at Megacon Orlando 2021

A cosplayer at Megacon Orlando 2021 portrays Loki     A cosplayer from Megacon Orlando 2021

Megacon Orlando 2021 Star Wars cosplayer      A cosplayer at Megacon Orlando 2021

Married at Megacon Orlando 2021

On the Saturday of Megacon Orlando 2021 during a Marvel photoshoot, a young couple was married. We call it “married at Megacon Orlando 2021 – learn more in our previous blog!

a young couple is married at Megacon Orlando 2021    a large group of cosplayers surrounds a young couple getting married at Megacon Orlando 2021

Need help finding comic cons in Florida?

Florida Comic Cons helps you with its highly popular Con Calendar, a curated calendar of comic conventions in The Sunshine State. If you live in Florida, you’re likely closer to more comic cons than you realize. And our Con Map shows how close you are to annual events.

The Con Calendar by Florida Comic Cons


Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine searches for talented cosplayers

Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine (published by us!) is constantly searching for talented cosplayers. If you’re interested in being considered, please submit here.

In addition, here are some of our past magazines, which are always free. Learn more and read mags (covers below)

A beautiful blond woman cosplays Amora the Enchantress from Marvel Comics

A beautiful woman cosplays Mage Espeon from Pokemon on the cover of Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine Special Edition: Collective Con 2021

A cosplayer portrays Harley-Quinn from Batman

A cosplayer portrays the character Sylvanas Windrunner from World of Warcraft game

A cosplayer portrays Mukuro Ikusaba from Danganronpa! game

A cosplayer portrays Mercy Sugar Plum Fairy from Overwatch game

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Get ready for the “Best Cosplay We See!” competition Metrocon 2024. Below you’ll see more than 30 contestants, meet the judges, and learn about the criteria. Judging is currently underway.