Why Saturday at Tampa Bay Comic Convention 2021 was magnificent

cosplayers portray Batgirl and Nightwing

Florida Comic Cons attended Tampa Bay Comic Convention 2021 on Saturday, the second of the three-day event at the Tampa Bay Convention Center July 30 – August 1. Our experience was magnificent. Here’s why:

The con-vibe was strong Saturday afternoon at Tampa Bay Comic Convention

Saturday morning was lightly attended, resembling more of a Sunday afternoon con crowd (which for the record we enjoy.) But by early-afternoon the crowd was starting to swell.  And by 2 p.m. we were surrounded by thousands of cosplayers and hundreds of vendors, and the con-vibe was strong. Here’s some of what we saw.

a cosplayer with blue skin poses for a photo     

 a group of cosplayers portray various versions of Captain America

a young couple cosplay together     

More cosplayers than the average con at Tampa Bay Comic Convention

In our unscientific estimate, the average convention crowd is mostly cosplayers with approximately 6-in-10 donning a costume of some sort. Using that measurement, we believe Saturday’s crowd at the Tampa Bay Comic Convention was higher than average with an estimated 7-in-10 cosplayers. Here is a taste.

A cosplayer portray Detective Pikachu          

cosplayers portray The Joker and Harley-Quinn     cosplayers pose for a phot at Tampa Bay Comic Convention 2021


Character-bombs at Tampa Bay Comic Convention 2021

Florida Comic Cons is starting to use what we call a “character-bomb,” which is when the character meets the cosplayer at a comic convention. Here’s our character-bombs for Tampa Bay Comic Convention 2021.

cosplayers portray anime characters     Cosplayer portrays Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas

cosplayer portrays John Wick

cosplayer portrays Darth Maul from Star Wars     cosplayers portray Batgirl and Nightwing

cosplayer portray Mysterio from Spider-Man     

cosplayers portray characters from Guardians of the Galaxy

Saturday afternoon was Marvel-ous

More than 50 cosplayers came together in the afternoon for a Marvel Meet-Up. And it was Marvel-ous! Thanks to Florida Geek Scene for arranging the Marvel Meet-Up, and inviting us to snap this photo!

more than 50 Marvel cosplayers pose for a group photo

Cosplayer talent is on display at this comic con

Walking around at a comic convention is pure joy. Here’s a slider of one-half dozen cosplayer photos from our journey.

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Tampa Bay Comic Convention is a family affair

Tampa Bay Comic Convention always draws families, which includes children of all ages. And the 2021 event was no different, as you will see below.

a family cosplays together

a family cosplays Star Wars

Another one-half dozen cosplayer photos

We get it. You need more photos. Here’s another one-half dozen to scroll through.

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Need help finding comic cons in Florida?

Florida Comic Cons curates the Con Calendar, which is the most comprehensive calendar of comic convention in The Sunshine State. If you live in Florida, you’re likely closer to more comic cons than you realize. Our Con Map can help you show how close you are to annual events.

Florida Comic Cons logo is orange, yellow and green

Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine seasonal issues

Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine, published by Florida Comic Cons, releases a seasonal magazine that includes cosplayer interviews, costume and prop how-to’s, in-depth character backgrounds, and fan art. Here are some of our past magazines, which are always free.

A beautiful blond woman cosplays Amora the Enchantress from Marvel Comics

A beautiful woman cosplays Mage Espeon from Pokemon on the cover of Florida Cosplay Digital Magazine Special Edition: Collective Con 2021

A cosplayer portrays Harley-Quinn from Batman

A cosplayer portrays the character Sylvanas Windrunner from World of Warcraft game

A cosplayer portrays Mukuro Ikusaba from Danganronpa! game

A cosplayer portrays Mercy Sugar Plum Fairy from Overwatch game




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Get ready for the “Best Cosplay We See!” competition Metrocon 2024. Below you’ll see more than 30 contestants, meet the judges, and learn about the criteria. Judging is currently underway.